Tuesday, September 22, 2015


One time I attended a seminar for Sunday school teachers given by a couple who had very fresh ideas for us to use with our students. The husband used to be my teacher at the Colege of Biblical Studies and his wife was not only a Sunday school teacher, but also a mother of 5 children... ALL homeschooled! They showed us a video clip of her children reciting bible verses by memory. I'm talking about LONG verses that these children had memorized with a method she used which includes sign language and pictures. This woman genuinely loved children and you could see that throughout her dynamic ministry. One of the ideas to evangelize that we learned was the "Wordless Book" which was invented by Charles Spurgeon. This book consists of six pages of different colors with no words on it. Each color represents a part of the story of salvation that God has for us. As we turn the colored pages we're telling the story of salvation to those who need it. It really is a great tool to evangelize not only children, but adults too. Me, as a jewelry designer, I started to see this book in jewelry. I've seen those bracelets with just plastic beads in a piece of cord, something not even my 12 year old daughter would wear. I started to make different bracelet creations with the same colors as the "wordless book" so it would be the perfect gift for someone who would love to hear the good news in a loving and special way. Or maybe just wear it as a tool to evangelize others. I loved this idea so much that I've been making lots of salvation beaded bracelets for church visitors.
Stainless Steel Salvation Bracelet
I made my Etsy debut with this version of the Salvation Bracelet made with stainless steel snake chain and stainless steel European beads. Really lovely and made with materials that will last for a long time.

Monday, September 21, 2015

KOSMEOS - Now And Then

I still remember in 2013 when a lady contacted me through my Facebook page because she wanted to do a mini interview to feature my jewelry in  her article. I was so nervous, but I did it. I was so nervous. In my mind I thought why would she be interested in my jewelry when there's tons of jewelry designers out there with more established  and known business. I had just recently opened up my fan page, and didn't even have an Etsy shop yet. But that definitely gave me some confidence to keep pressing on with my dream, which is to share God's love through my creations while I have an extra income. So here I am, two years after the interview. I've made some sales with friends and family, and finally opened up my Etsy shop. Even though I find it very challenging, I spend many hours researching and asking questions to the experts to be knowledgeable in this online business world. My next adventure: craft shows.
It's amazing how God glorifies in every step of the way. Being as shy as I am, I find confidence to do the stuff I'm doing knowing that God is on my side. It's like a training to actually do God's work. If I find joy in standing in front of an audience and be judged and criticized by my works, I also should find joy in speaking the Word of God to those who need it without being afraid of being judged or mocked on. Just food for thought.